- To appear in courts while the case hearing, handling case files, maintaining case status and manage all other matters of the court.
- Conduct the case/suit in court and represent clients in civil & criminal litigation and other legal proceedings.
- Dealing with legal issues like legal notice, legal document, affidavit, agreement, contract, written objection, drafting, various legal letters, petitions and Income Tax matters.
- To review the legal documents and providing legal opinion & ensuring compliance with all statutory and legal requirements.
- Filling cases/suits under NI Act, Artha Rin Ain, Artha Zari, Registration Act, Contract Act, Companies Act, Writ, Penal Code and Civil & Criminal matters.
- For ensuring warrant of arrest, trial, argument & judgement of various cases/suits.
- Maintain relationship with existing clients via one to one meetings, mobile calls and emails.